Class 10- 12 Notes PDF Download Hindi Medium


Read the following passage and answer the questions on the basis of comprehension of the passage .


Lalita sowed some tomato seeds in her garden. The seeds grew into little plants after a few days. She removed every weed. She never allowed any insect near her pet plants. When the days were hot, she watered the plants. She put compost under the plants. The flowers grew and became big. The tiny green tomatoes began to show. Lalita and her sister watered the plants daily. A very large beautiful tomato grew in the plant. Her father said, “It is the finest tomato I have ever seen”. The sisters were very happy.

(i) What did Lalita sow in her garden?

  1. a) Plants b) seeds c) trees d) grass

(ii) What did she not allow?

  1. a) birds near plants b) insects near plants
  2. c) flies near plants d) pets near plants

(iii) What did she put under the plants?

  1. a) Water b) Compost c) Weeds d) Flowers

(iv) Which of the following is similar in meaning to ‘tiny’?

  1. a) large b) big c) small d) giant

(v) Why were the sisters happy?

  1. a) because flowers grew in their garden b) because a tomato grew in their garden
  2. c) because plants grew in their garden d) because their father was happy

Unseen Passage no. – 2

Necessity is indeed the mother of invention. When areas in and around Leh began to experience water shortages, life didn’t grind to a halt. Why? Because Chewang Norphel, a retired civil engineer in the Jammu and Kashmir government came up with the idea of artificial glaciers. Ladakh, a cold desert at an altitude of 3,000-3,500 metres above sea level, has a low average annual rainfall rate of 50 mm. Glaciers have always been the only source of water. Agriculture is completely dependent on glacier melt unlike the rest of river/monsoon fed India. But over the years with increasing effects of climate change, rainfall and snowfall patterns have been changing, resulting in severe shortage and drought situations. Given the severe winter conditions, the window for farming is usually limited to one harvest season.

(i) What kind of landform is Ladakh?

  1. a) Hot desert b) Cold desert c) Dry desert d) Hot and Dry desert

(ii) Who was Chewang Norphel?

  1. a) a retired principal b) a retired activist
  2. c) a retired social worker d) a retired civil engineer

(iii) Ladakh is at an altitude of metres above sea level.

a)2000-2500 b)1500-2000 c)3000-3500 d)2500-3000

(iv)Find the word in the paragraph which means the same as ‘a body of dense ice’.

  1. a) river b) desert c) glacier d) all the above

(v) Severe shortage of water is the result of

a) climate changes b) changes in rainfall c) changes in snowfall patter

Unseen Passages no. -3

We are living in the Age of Science. Everyday new inventions are being made for the good of humanity. The scientific inventions began after the Industrial Revolution of 1789. Within these 200 years, science has made a wonderful progress. The aeroplane is one of the most important inventions of science during the Modern Age. It is the fastest means of transport known so far. An aeroplane resembles a flying bird in shape. Inside there are seats for the passengers and a cabin for the pilot. This cabin is called a cockpit. It has an engine that is worked by petrol. It is all made up of metal and can fly at a very high speed. Before taking off it runs on the runway for some distance to gather speed. Then it suddenly hops up the earth and takes off.


(i) The scientific invention began after the Industrial Revolution of ___.

  1. a) 1889 b) 1879 c) 1789 d) 1779

(ii) The cabin for the pilot is called a ___.

  1. a) cube b) cockpit c) cubicle d) chamber

(III) An aeroplane has an engine that is worked by___.

  1. a) petrol b) steam c) diesel d) gas

(iv) Which of the following is the fastest means of transport?

(a) motor vehicle (b) ship (c) train (d) aeroplane

(v) We are living in the ___.

  1. a) Age of Industrialisation b) Modern c) Age of Inventions d) Age of Science

Unseen Passage no.-4

Marie Curie was one of the most accomplished scientists in history. Together with her husband, Pierre, she discovered radium, an element widely used for treating cancer, and studied uranium and other radioactive substances. Pierre and Marie’s had an amicable collaboration. Marie was born in 1867 in Warsaw, Poland, where her father was a Professor of Physics. At an early age, she displayed a brilliant mind and a casual personality. Her great exuberance for learning prompted her to continue with her studies after high school. She became disgruntled, however, when she learned that the university in Warsaw was closed to women. Determined to receive a higher education, she defiantly left Poland in 1891 entered the Sorbonne, a French University, where she earned her master’s degree and Doctorate in Physics.


(i) Where did Marie earn her master’s degree from??

(a) a university in Warsaw (b) a university in Sorbonne (c) a university in Poland (d) none of these

(ii) What was Marie’s father?

  1. a) a doctor b) an engineer c) a professor d) a scientist

(iii) Marie __ left Poland and travelled to France to enter the Sorbonne.

  1. a) showed intelligence b) behaved c) boldly d) was distressed

(iv) Marie Curie’s doctorate was in which academic discipline?

  1. a) Cancer Studies b) Radiation Chemistry c) Medicine d) Physics

(v) Write the noun form of the word ‘discover’. ans- discovery

Unseen Passage no. -5

There seems to be a general opinion in this country that Sardar Patel was slightly of harsh and rough temperament. Men called him the ‘Iron man of India. He was no doubt, an iron man in the sense that one could rely on him for strict and efficient administration. But as a man, to those who had the good fortune of coming into close contact with him, he was kind and considerate. At time, he even became emotional where his personal friends and followers were concerned. However, it goes without saying that the Sardar Patel had the great skill for organizing affairs. He knew the way of picking people and putting them in their proper place. Once he judged a man and found him correct, he trusted him fully and got him to do anything he wanted.


i) Sardar Patel was called————                       ans- Iron man of india

ii) Sardar Patel had the great skill—————        ans for organizing affairs

iii) He was kind and considerate for———-

iv) One could rely on him for strict and efficient:

(a) People

(b) Work

(c) Administration

iv) Find out the word from the passage which means-‘luck’


UNSEEN Passage NO. -6

Helen Keller lost her eye-sight and hearing at the age of two because of an illness. She became deaf. She also lost the ability to speak, for we learn to speak by imitating what we hear. At first, it seemed impossible that she would never understand other’s or be understood by them. Hers was thus a lonely world. But she was helped by a wonderful teacher named Miss Sullivan who had herself been blind as a child but recovered her eye-sight by an operation. Miss Sullivan volunteered to help Helen and taught her to speak, read and write. Helen later went to a university and gained a degree. She then spent the rest of her life working to help the blind and the deaf.

  1. i) We learn to speak———-    ANS – imitating what we hear
  2. ii) Miss Sullivan helped Helen to————          ANS- speak, read and write

iii) What did Helen do for the blind and the deaf?

iv) When did Helen Keller lose her eye-sight and hearing?

(a) at birth (b) at the age of two(c) at the age of four

v) Which word in the passage means ‘One who is not able to see’?

(a) deaf (b) sight (c) blind

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