Lost and Found, You have found a school bag in your school compound, Prepare a ‘Lost and Found’ notice. Class 9th, Class 10th, Class11th, Class12th,

Lost and Found’ notice

Lost and Found’ notice,

Hello friends, welcome again to our website Aakash Lecture Online, if you are watching Aakash Lecture Online then you are seeing something good, on our website you will get information from class 9th to 12th as well as government jobs and related information. Study material is provided

Prepare a ‘Lost and Found’ notice-


You are Ankit Gupta. You have found a school bag in your school compound. Prepare a ‘Lost and Found’ notice.




Akash Sahu: Hello! My name is Akash Sahu. My website provides valuable information for students. I have completed my graduation in Pharmacy and have been teaching for over 5 years now.