In November 1918, Dr.Ambedkar joined Sydenham College as a professor of political economics and worked there for two years. With his little savings, some help from the Maharaja of Kolhapur, and with a loan of five thousand rupees from his friend, Naval Bhathena, he left for England in 1920 to complete his studies in Law and Economics.

He resumed his studies at the London School of Economics and kept his terms at Gray‘s Institute of Law. He turned his attention to the London Museum where the relics of the saintly and scientific thoughts are preserved, where the ruins of the antique world are displayed and where Karl Marx, Mazzini, Lenin and Savarkar had dug for knowledge and digested it.

In the Museum, he pored over books from morning till evening. Time was an important factor with him. To save both money and time, he would go without lunch. After this, the second round of reading begins at his residence. The endless reading would go on till early morning. He told his roommate that his poverty and lack of time required him to finish his studies as early as possible.

During these studies in London for his academic eminence, he had not forgotten the real aim in his life. He could not for a minute forget the dumb faces of the untouchables in India. He took up this matter with the Secretary of State for India and also held discussion with Mr. Vithalbhai Patel in London. Neither could he forget the alien political realities of the nation.

In a paper read before the Students Union and also in his famous thesis, ―The Problem of the Rupees‖, he exposed the hollowness of the British policies in India, which caused a stir in the academic world of London and Ambedkar was suspected to be an Indian Revolutionary.

1.Where did Dr.Ambedkar teach?
(A) London School of Economics. (B) Sydenham College
(C) London Museum (D) Gray‘s Institute of Law
2. Dr Ambedkar was a teacher of
(A) Political Economics (B) Law
(C) Literature (D) Political Science
3.Who amongst the following was Dr Ambedkar‘s benefactor?
(A) Raja of Kathiawar (B) Queen of England (C) Raja of Kolhapur (D) Lord Gray
4.Name Dr Ambedkar‘s friend who helped him to go to England.
(A) Nawal kishore (B) Karl Marx (C) Lenin (D) Naval Bhathena.

5.Why did Dr Ambedkar try to finish his studies as early as possible?
(A) Due to illness (B) For lack of resources and time
(C) due to adverse climate (D) Due to nostalgia
6.What was Dr Ambedkar‘s real aim in life?
(A) Upliftment of the downtrodden caste. (B) Upliftment of his family
(C) Academic eminence (D) Successful career as a lawyer.

7.What was the core slogan raised by Dr Ambedkar?
(A) Self-awareness amongst the oppressed. (B) Open revolt
(C)Pacification of the untouchables. (D) Revolt of the oppressors
8.Where did Dr Ambedkar spend most of his time in London?
(A) Courtrooms (B) India House (C) Royal House (D) London Museum
9.How many years did Dr Ambedkar expose in his thesis?
(A) 1 year (B) 2 years (C) 3 years (D) 4 years
10.What did Dr Ambedkar expose in his thesis?
(A) Marginality of the rulers
(B) Infallibility of the British Rule
(C) Universal laws of brotherhood
(D) Hollowness of the English policies in India.


Although speech is the most advanced form of communication, there are many ways of communicating without using speech. Signals, signs, symbols and gestures may be found in every known culture. The basic function of a signal is to impinge upon the environment in such a way that it attracts attention, as for example, the dots and dashes of a telegraph circuit.

Coded to refer to speech, the potential for communication is very great. Less adaptable to the codification of words, signs also contain meaning in and of themselves. A stop sign, for example, conveys meaning quickly and conveniently. Symbols are more difficult to describe than either signals or signs because of their intricate relationship with the receiver‘s cultural perceptions.

In some cultures, applauding in a theatre provides performers with an auditory symbol of approval. Gestures such as waving and handshaking also communicate certain cultural messages. Although signals, signs, symbols and gestures are very useful, they do have a major disadvantage. They usually do not allow ideas to be shared without the sender being directly adjacent to the receiver.

As a result, means of communication intended to be used for long distances and extended periods are based upon speech. Radio, television and the telephone are only a few of such means.

.According to the passage, what is a signal?
(A) A form of communication used across long distances.
(B) The cultural perception of communication.
(C) A type of communication that interrupts the environment.
(D) A complicated form of communication to describe.
2. Choose the correct statement:
(A) Speech is the most advanced form of communication.
(B) Speech is the real form of communication.
(C) Speech is the basis for communication to occur.
(D) Speech is dependent upon the advances made by inventors.
3. Choose the most appropriate title for the passage.
(A) Signs and signals. (B) Gestural communication
(C) Speech variations (D) Means of communication
4.Why were the telephone radio and TV invented?
(A) To provide new forms of entertainment.
(B) It was believed that signs, signals and symbols were obsolete.
(C) It was difficult to understand symbols.
(D) People wanted to communicate across long distances.
5. This passage explains that _____
(A) Symbols are the easiest to interpret.
(B) Signals, signs, symbols and gestures are forms of communication.
(C)Significance of waving and handshaking is different in different cultures.
(D) Different cultures have different signs and symbols.

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